Thursday 17th of October 2024
Fajar 6:14 am
United States

The Story of Prophet Dhu’l-Kifl (Ezekiel)


Did you know?

1) Prophet Zulkifli was the son of the prophet Job and Rahma. His real name is Basyar and he is called Zulkifli which means ‘responsible’ because of his nature. Prophet Zulkifli was a man who was very pious to Allah and often worshiped.

2) Prophet Zulkifli came from Damascus, Sham (Syria) and lived during the reign of a very pious king. The king was greatly loved by his people. When the prophet Zulkifli was young, the pious king was very old and he had no heirs. One day, the king gathered his people to make an announcement. The king said, “I am old, I will soon go. And I have no heir to inherit my throne. So I will choose among you to replace me as king. ”

3) The king set conditions for anyone who wanted to inherit his throne. The condition: the person needs to have a very patient nature, able to fast during the day and worship at night.

4) The king asked anyone who was willing to go through such days to raise his hand. Among the people who came to gather, no one raised their hands because they felt the conditions set were too heavy. Suddenly a young man raised his hand, the prophet Zulkifli, the son of the prophet Job. Then in a loud voice, the prophet Zulkifli said, “I am willing to fast during the day and worship all night.” The king looked at the young man and said, “O young man, do not play on my words. This matter is important to determine the future of the people and the state. ” Calmly, the prophet Zulkifli went before the king and said, “O king, my lord, I am not a fool. I will do those conditions. ” The king had repeated his conditions 3 times and the same young man promised to abide by those conditions. The king also agreed to take the prophet Zulkifli as his successor.

5) Soon, the old king died and all the people mourned. Prophet Zulkifli was appointed king and lived his life in the palace with patience, faith and obedience to worship Allah as required of him. Prophet Zulkifli fasted during the day while managing his state administration and the night was spent worshiping Allah until there was only a little time to sleep. His country was peaceful and the prophet Zulkifli was liked by his people because of his calm and patient nature.

6) One night, the devil disguised himself as an old man and had come to the palace to make a fuss. He complained that he had a problem in one of the provinces under the auspices of the state of the prophet Zulkifli. He deliberately made a fuss, did not want to meet the king’s adviser and only wanted to meet the king directly. At that time the prophet Zulkifli was sleeping. Prophet Zulkifli also met with the old man and heard his complaint. Prophet Zulkifli told the old man to come back the next night, so that Prophet Zulkifli could resolve the issue during the day. The next day, the old man stubbornly did not want to come at night and came during the day and even made a fuss on the king. Prophet Zulkifli calmly asked the old man to meet him at night after the issue complained could be resolved. But that night he did not come. Entering the third day, the old man came again to make a fuss. This time he could not pass the palace guard so he changed to his original form and sneaked in through the gates of the palace and faced king Zulkifli. King Zulkifli was surprised to see the original appearance of the old man who turned out to be the Devil. The devil is actually trying to arouse the anger of the prophet Zulkifli. Prophet Zulkifli managed to maintain his patience as promised to the previous king.

7) There was a time, God sent a test to the prophet Zulkifli. There is a group of rebels who have broken God’s command and done damage in the land of the prophet Zulkifli. To fight this group, the only way is to fight. Prophet Zulkifli ordered the people and his army to go to the battlefield. But they are all afraid to die in war. They will go to the battlefield if the prophet Zulkifli can guarantee that they will not die. Prophet Zulkifli was very patient and not angry with the stubbornness of his people. Then the prophet Zulkifli prayed to God to save them during the war. Allah revealed to the Prophet Zulkifli, “I have known what their request is and I have heard your prayers, then I will grant them all.” Eventually the war was won by the prophet Zulkifli and his followers. None of his followers died in the war.

8) Prophet Zulkifli died at the age of 95 in Damascus, Syria. His name is mentioned several times in the Quran. Allah said, “And (remember the story) of the prophets Ishmael, Idris and Zulkifli. They are all patient people. ” – Refer to the Quran (21:85). “And remember Ismail, Ilyasa ‘and Zulkifli. They are all among the best. ” – Refer to the Quran (38:48).

Detailed of Story

Is he a Prophet?

Allah the Almighty declared:

”And (remember) Ishmael and Idris (Enoch) and Dhul-Kifl, all were from among those who observe patience.” Al-Quran [21: 85-86]

Immediately following Job’s story in the Quran, Almighty Allah also directed:

And remember Our slaves, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, (all) owners of strength (in worshiping Us) and (also) of religious understanding. Verily, We did choose them by granting them (a good thing, – i.e. ) the remembrance of the home in the Hereafter and they used to make the people remember it, and also they used to invite the people to obey Allah and to do good deeds for the Hereafter. And they are in Our Sight, verily, of the chosen and the best! And remember Ishmael, Elisha, and Dhul-Kifl, all are among the best. Al-Quran [38: 45-48]

It is obvious from his being mentioned and praised in the Glorious Qur’an along with those other prophets that Dhul-Kifl was a prophet.

However, some of the Qur’anic commentators assumed that he was not a prophet but that he was righteous and strictly just.

The Meaning of Dhu’l-Kifl

Ibn Jarir narrated that he was not a prophet but he was a righteous man. He supported his people to suffice their needs and administered justice among them. That is why he was called Dhul-Kifl .Dhul-Kifl literally means “possessor of. or giving. a double requital or portion”.)